Saturday, November 26, 2011

Westy stress test

Ever wondered what would happen if a tree fell in the forest?
What if there was a Westfalia under it? As far as making a noise goes, I can set your mind at ease. You do hear a noise. I'm not sure if the Westy hears a noise though....

Branches punched a couple of holes in the topper, but otherwise there was surprisingly very little damage at first glance.  Looking a little closer though you notice the roof (not the topper) was compressed by about 2-3 inches. Because of the way the upper bed cushions are stowed between the roof and the topper, they absorbed a great deal of the impact, so the topper wasn't smashed and the impact load was spread out over the entire rear roof area.   It probably would look a wee bit different if the top had been up...

It was still a write-off in the end though, so after 15 years, it is time to look for a new westy!