Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Link to My Newer Blog Postings

Link to My Newer Blog Postings on Wordpress

Initially, I was looking for a way to stay in touch with several people at once and because I wanted to use lots of pictures, email wasn't really an option and Facebook was definitely not the right medium. What I really needed was a website, and thus I began looking into blogging.
I started blogging here at just to see how it would work out and found it to be quite a good site as long as I was using my laptop to compose the blogs. Once I made the decision to miniaturize further (ie using a Win8 Tablet and Android Phone) I found that composition became more difficult (especially without the use of a mouse).
A little research led me to and after a bit of a learning period in which I attempted to keep both sites more or less active, I have decided that Wordpress wins out. To connect to the newer postings, click the link above or cut 'n paste the URL below. :-)

The URL to my newer postings is