Thursday, June 14, 2007

Day 11- Auckland

Day 11 - today we did some sleuthing... found out about immigration and passports and other boring stuff. went downtown and bought a bunch of gorgeous things.... go all blacks! and no! it's not a jersey Lydia... we aren't millionaires... you're all invited to wire us some cash if you want us to pick you up one...bargain price $150 CAD. may save us from a beating at the match on Saturday with Canada, though. we'll cheer from a corner...

all in all, a pretty quiet and dull day. working sucks...

we found a hamburger place that serves pretty fine burgers, but we didn't tell them that. they called themselves BurgerWisconsin, but we're not sure of the affiliation... our burgs didn't have a fried egg or beetroot, or cucumbers or anything strange. you could add these, but we left that for the locals. there was, however, a kebab burger complete with peanut sauce ....

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