Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Day10 - Auckland

Day 10 - Jon is itching to get moving, but we've only just found some comforts of home... cheap wine, cheap cheese, cheap breakfast, cheap internet... and MY BBERRY IS WORKING!! thank GAWD! I was going into withdrawl - J was quite worried... and my thumbs were cramping up!

more to come later today (while you are all sleeping)...

Drove west today to a scenic drive to a place we can't spell without a map handy. It was very scenic...and windy and steep and scenic... there were nice properties along the way, some pricey, some crazy pricey...

We managed to find our way without a map again, so a big sky tower comes in handy for navigation! J decided to play chicken with oncoming traffic... it was VERY intense for a moment. We're happy to report that we WON! haha! take that kiwi fans!!

we are drinking much wine - not to worry, Len - and eating lots of ethnic fare. some crazy noodle places that have those cool little take away boxes! enough food in those boxes to feed an army ( or one hungry j-man)... eating out is expensive... send money...please...

1 comment:

Len Francis said...

Just keep feeding Jon Booze, I heard that is really good for the itchiness [;-) !!!

Enjoy following your journey ..

Len !