Monday, June 18, 2007

Day13- Coromandel (Wharekaho)

Day13 - Ah, what a view to wake up to! and only a two hour drive from Auckland ('course it may take you an hour just to get out of Auckland depending on where you start from). Just sat and watched the ocean for the morning. Took a drive in the afternoon down and around the coast to Cooks Beach (for you history buffs, that's where Cook anchored the Endeavor) and discovered we had gone in a circle and were only about 200 meters from where we started (but on the other side of the bay) - if only we had a VW, we could have floated across instead of having to do the 45 minute drive back... but we did visit (one of) the Hot Water Beach(es) where you can dig yourself a hole in the sand, hop in and bake yourself like a lobster...if we ever get back here, I am bringing a spade, a surfboard or windsurfer and never leaving! We proceeded on to Tairua on one of the windiest roads you can imagine - Patty, you'd have been green within minutes! With a posted max speed of 100, I am pretty sure no one has ever gotten a speeding ticket on this road! (we got up to 50 at one point, got scared and had to slow down). Found a nice house on the pinnacle with a spectacular view, but likely the price is around $800k...

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