Monday, June 18, 2007

Day15 - Katikati / Auckland

Day 15 - Back to Auckland today. Driving inland and the roads are much straighter as this seems to be primarily ranching country. the weather was gloriously sunny today (but chilly to the locals, as it was only 12 degrees). no wonder people move to the country...
we came across a store called the Warehouse, and Len, you will be happy to hear that your reputation has made it all the way 'down under', we found they stock the PERFECT item for you...
after some driving around in Auckland, we found ourselves back at the Dukes Motel to stay the night. Marla and Phil are very hospitable hosts. Note: always check your milk carton for unwanted extras... ewwww!


Len Francis said...

You can't leave me hanging like that, There are many perfect items out there for me ...

Many years ago I accepted that I need to worry about catching up to my reputation vice my reputation catching up with me, so it's good to know that Down under ... They know of ... [;-)!

Claire said...

Put an offer on that apt!
Great narration and pics, keep them coming.